Title: ”Simulation of Containment Transient Response During Accidents in Advanced Reactor Types”
The PhD work concentrated on development and verification of a user friendly and fast running code, suitable for full scope analysis of containment response, as well as primary system response, during accidents. The code is called SPECTRA. The basic physical models applied in the code were selected after an extensive literature review, as well as review of models available in other codes (CONTAIN, MELCOR, RELAP, TRAC-BF1). Special attention was given to the physical phenomena important for behavior of advanced reactors, with passive safety systems. Some parts of the SPECTRA code are based on the earlier severe accident code TASAC, developed at IEA.
The PhD work concentrated on development and verification of a user friendly and fast running code, suitable for full scope analysis of containment response, as well as primary system response, during accidents. The code is called SPECTRA. The basic physical models applied in the code were selected after an extensive literature review, as well as review of models available in other codes (CONTAIN, MELCOR, RELAP, TRAC-BF1). Special attention was given to the physical phenomena important for behavior of advanced reactors, with passive safety systems. Some parts of the SPECTRA code are based on the earlier severe accident code TASAC, developed at IEA.